Posted on 8/31/2023
Videos Tell A Story: A Look At Our Auto Repair Shop’s Success To tell you we are super grateful is an understatement! In 2021, at the behest of our marketing agency, Rock Star Marketing, we started creating videos in earnest. Today, just two years later, we have over 1,000 videos and a level of success we never could have imagined! In today’s blog, we want to share with you the magic behind our transformation so you can apply this wisdom to your own career or life success. Videos Tell A Story, So Use Videos To Your Advantage At first, we didn’t know what kind of video to make. Fortunately, Patrick Dolder, the co-owner of Pals Ocala Auto Repair, along with Chuck Perry, the General Manager of Pals Ocala Auto Repair, are not camera-shy. That alone is probably the biggest component to our success. But once Jennifer of Rock Star Marketing g ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2023

Photo by Natalie Chaney on Unsplash Hit the Beach in Style: Importance of Preventive Car Maintenance for a Stress-free Summer Summer is here, and with it comes the opportunity to hit the beach with family and friends. There's nothing quite like a day of sand, sun, and surf to relax and rejuvenate. However, before you set out on that road trip to the beach, it's essential to ensure that your car is in top condition. Preventive car maintenance is crucial to reduce the risk of a breakdown and save you a lot of money in the long run. At Pals Ocala Auto Repair, we'll explore the importance of preventive car maintenance and recommend some fantastic beach getaways for the month of June if you live i ... read more
Posted on 4/30/2023
Keep It Cool With Automotive A/C Maintenance Ocala, Florida, is known for its warm weather and beautiful natural springs, but it can also get unbearably hot during summer. When driving around in your car, the heat can be even more intense, making it uncomfortable for you and your passengers. That's why keeping your car's air conditioning system in good working order is important, so you can stay cool and comfortable no matter where you're headed. How does Pals Ocala Auto Repair diagnose air conditioning issues? Pt. 1 – A/C Diagnostic Process on a Honda Pt. 2 – A/C Diagnostic Process on a Honda Pt. 3 – A/C Diagnostic Process on a Honda Pt. 4 – A/C Diagnostic Process on a Honda Be proactive by servicing your car's A/C system. Automotive air conditioning service is essential for running your car's air conditioning system smoothly. Over time, the various components of your A/C system can ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2023
The Road Ahead: A Look At The History of National Vehicle Maintenance Month National Vehicle Maintenance Month was created to recognize the importance of vehicle maintenance. Vehicle maintenance is essential to owning a car, truck, or recreational vehicle. Regular maintenance ensures that a vehicle runs smoothly, reduces the risk of breakdowns, and extends the vehicle's lifespan. In this article, we will look at the history of National Vehicle Maintenance Month and its evolution over time. The Origins of National Vehicle Maintenance Month National Vehicle Maintenance Month was first introduced in April 2005 by the Car Care Council, a nonprofit organization that aims to educate vehicle owners about the importance of regular maintenance. The initiative's goal was to raise awareness about the importance of vehicle maintenance and encourage vehicle owners to take steps to keep their vehicles in good condition. The Car Care Council partner ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2023
How To Get Ahead Of Car Trouble While In Ocala, Florida If you are new to living in Florida, welcome! Pals Ocala Auto Repair wants to be among the first to welcome you into our beautiful and warm state. With so many people moving here to get away from cold weather, we thought we would dedicate this month’s blog to advising you on Florida-related car maintenance. Even many lifelong Floridians are not aware of certain climate-related issues their vehicles deal with on a daily basis. It gets hot here, and that creates its own set of vehicle service and repair items that need regular attention. These gotchas can sap the fun out of your Florida road trips, so please allow us to share some helpful car maintenance tips with you. Getting Ahead of the Hot Weather Most people in the month of February aren’t thinking about air conditioning service and summertime. But this is Florida, and it’s hot here most of the year. So get ahead of t ... read more
Posted on 8/31/2021

Photo by Dan Barrett on Unsplash All Floridians come to know and understand that we have five seasons in lower Florida. We go through Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer, and then Hurricane season usually hits Florida right where it hurts. When it passes, we have an Autumn that feels like a breezy summer and a winter that feels like a cold Autumn. When hurricanes come to call, you must protect what you can by shuttering windows and sealing doors where possible. Keep a slightly larger stock of provisions in case of panic-buying from the crowd. When most people realize they should be stocking up on supplies, they are already facing panic-stricken shoppers snatching up anything and everything. Water and toilet paper ar ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2021

Photo by kalhh from Pixabay Florida weather can be a terrible thing to behold. Violent thunderstorms are the cost of enjoying Florida’s sunny, beautiful days. Each year, tropical storms and hurricanes move inland on Ocala, and just north of us, we’ve seen an increase in violent tornadoes over the last decade. Once violent weather comes calling, the best you can do is react with heart and consideration. Here are our tips for what to do in the very worst Ocala weather: Hard Rain - when the rain comes down so much that your windshield wipers can’t remove it, the strategy is to stop driving, as you can’t predict the road ahead of you. Turn your hazard lig ... read more