Posted on 10/31/2019

In Ocala, we are blessed to have a lot of snowbirds come down during the winter months. A lot of these snowbirds have driven to Florida numerous times, but for some, living and driving in Florida is a new experience. Though we don’t have snow here in Florida, (that is, unless we get a freak winter storm that blows down to our region) but there are some driving tips you should know about. Here are five things snowbirds need to know about driving in Florida: Love bugs. If you’ve never seen a love bug, they’re rather cute insects. They don’t bite like the mosquitoes, fleas, or ticks do. In fact, they are pretty harmless. They fly paired up and move slowly. The big hazard, however, is that they love to commit buggy suicide on your car. These love bugs are highly acidic, so when they go splat on your car’s paint job, you would be wise to wash your car soon after. Otherwise, their acidic bodies will eat away at your car’s paint, and that’s ... read more