Posted on 9/30/2020

Welcome to October! Time for the leaves to start turning, the temperatures to cool off, and the Pumpkin Spice to flow. Now that we’re officially in the Fall season, there’s a lot going on in the Ocala area for the family. Pals Ocala Auto Repair’s special of the month is a free oil change and tire rotation! Don’t forget to take advantage of this free offer. This is great preventative maintenance and a good measure to take before the holidays make life very busy, so book in today! Of course, Halloween is this month’s biggest event, on October 31st. This might just be one of the biggest Halloweens we’ve seen in years, with the day falling on a Saturday, and with a lot of people feeling cooped up indoors over COVID19 safety concerns. Our concern this year is that kids will be trick-or-treating on the streets and almost all of them will have costumes featuring masks this year, to help protect them from catching or spreading COVID19. As a re ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2020
August! This summer feels never-ending. Coming up, we have a few national days… National Roller Coaster Day is on August 16th, so find someone adventurous and head to Walt Disney World. But for goodness sake, play it safe. Also, International Beer Day is August 7th. Which one of these options is safer? Well, that depends on your perspective. With quarantine and shelter-at-home ending in most places after a very long summer, our kids are heading back to school again. That means more young drivers will be navigating our Florida roads to get to school, and safety is a priority. Speaking of priorities... It seems like most of what kids focus on these days is technology-based. Does this new generation still use pencils and erasers anymore? Calligraphy has become an art school trade instead of something taught as an advanced technique on cursive. Are our kids still learning how to write in cursive though? Surely typing is being taught with the QWERTY keyboard popular on phones and ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2020
When you think about Independence in July, you think of Independence Day, right? Yes, most of us do. But today, we want to take a closer look at independence, your car, and what that means to you as a driver. But before we get started, Happy Independence Day! We love our country, we love living here in Florida, and we love our Ocala community. We are so lucky to be here and to serve our friends and neighbors. Life may not be perfect, and we have a lot of challenges to overcome, but the Pals Ocala Auto Repair team considers itself to be very fortunate to have the talent and resources to contribute. Our goal is to make the world a better place, one auto repair at a time, for it helps to support working people, families, travelers, retirees, vacationers, and the like. Next, let’s look at what independence means for the average driver. For new drivers who are teens, young adults, or people who are new to driving because they ... read more
Posted on 6/26/2020

Photo by Shelly Busby on Unsplash Do you love to go out and recreate? We do, too! We love getting our vehicle packed, hitching up the trailer, and driving off to our next adventure. It doesn't matter if we want to go boating, horseback riding, camping, show off our car in a show, or go racing around the track. We love it all! But before we head out for the fun activities we have planned, we know that our top priority should be safety. That is why in this article, Pals Ocala Auto Repair wants to address how to safely tow your 5th wheel trailer, your boat trailer, your horse trailer, the trailer carrying your classic car, and anything else you might be hauling. Many things can affect the safety of you, your passengers, your vehicle ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2020

Now that the State of Florida has relaxed COVID-19 restrictions, we are seeing a lot of people get super excited about taking a Summertime road trip. Honestly, we can’t blame them one bit! Summertime road trips are the focus of a lot of families, and Florida is an incredibly popular destination. We have beaches, rivers, lakes, and springs to keep you cool. Though the amusement parks are beginning phased reopening, and when they’re fully open, we expect a lot of people are going to be excited to enjoy them again. Plus, as Florida rolls back restrictions, there will be plenty of shopping, salons, restaurants, and barber shops to visit. Considering how antsy people are getting, almost everyone we talk to at Pals Ocala Auto Repair is looking forward to seeing friends and spending quality time with family during their Summertime road trips. But the question remains… Is your vehicle ready for Summertime road trips? Please see us before you travel.   ... read more
Posted on 4/30/2020

COVID-19 has spun our nation sideways by shutting down our economy and wreaking havoc on our supply chains. During this time, we at Pals Ocala Auto Repair would like to send a special thank you to our President and our nation's first responders during this pandemic. There is nothing more important than empathy, compassion, and community in this time of isolation and uncertainty. Isolating ourselves is vital to flattening the curve and taking the intense pressure off of our first responders, nurses, doctors, and hospital staff. We are incredibly grateful to our nation's leader for all that he is doing to keep our country safe from this global pandemic. It is not an easy time to lead our country, watching unemployment rates skyrocket and our economy nosedive due to the shutdown of all services. Ways our President is supporting our nation during his response to COVID-19, he has declared a national emergency, offering a 50 billion dollar boost in relief funds to assist hosp ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2020

Why Your Vehicle Can Benefit From Spring Cleaning Spring is upon us, and with the new life and growth comes inspiration to deep clean and re-sort many aspects of our lives. Out with the old, in with the new. A new fresh feel is often just what we need to kickstart the spring season, especially if you are considering taking a road trip soon. Here is a list of spring cleaning ideas for your car to give it some love and feel good about your ride. Washing your car The chances are that you encountered a fair amount of rain and wind this winter. The underside of your vehicle can become pitted and eventually get rust from salt build-up on treated roads, or even being near the ocean. It is essential to wash the underside of your vehicle to keep it from rotting the exhaust system, muffler, and the frame. You will want to be especially careful if you launch or load a boat near the saltwater. Salt can destroy your car in a hurry, rusting out the undercarriage and wheels in just a matter of a few ... read more
Posted on 2/29/2020

It feels great to know that your tires are in tip-top shape and ready for the road. Be prepared for spring break with a fresh set and, your car will be ready to take you anywhere you want to go. Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) is a rating to keep an eye out for when tire shopping. UTQG measures tires tread wear, temperature resistance, and traction. We want you to be safe out on the road, and so put together a list of 5 excellent All-Season Tires with good UTQG ratings for you. Michelin Pilot Sport A/S 3 This tire has the very best UTQG rating possible and performs well under the most strenuous of circumstances on both asphalt and concrete surfaces. The engineers at Michelin outdid themselves with this tire that has steel belts to prolong tread life and wear as well as performing and looking good. Goodyear Assurance Tripletred This hearty tire is ideal for SUV’s small trucks and minivans and packs a rating of 6,000 lbs of load capacity. The three-way tread zones p ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2020

February is a perfect time to find a nice gift for the car lover in your life. Sometimes shopping for the perfect thing can be daunting, so we decided to compile a list of items to inspire you. Care Care Kit. Your car lover is sure to be tickled with a car care kit by Meguiars. Here is a link to a comprehensive package including wash, wax, tire gel clay bars, swirl removals, and so much more. Seat Gap Filler. Have you or your partner ever lost your keys, cell phone, or Chapstick between the seats? It is SO frustrating! A seat gap filler can be just the solution to prevent it from happening again. We found this one on Amazon.   ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2019

Happy New Year! With the new year upon us, now is the time to start looking at what New Year’s resolutions we should be incorporating into our lives, and that includes resolutions about caring for our cars. To start the new year off right and keep your car in tip top shape, let’s go through some resolutions to keep in mind as the new century begins. Resolving to Keep Your Car Clean: Oftentimes the key to feeling good is looking good, and that applies to both you and your car. Specific to your vehicle’s exterior, keeping your car clean from the grime and dirt it picks up on the road will help ward off rust and keep the finish on your car looking like new. While how clean your car is doesn’t necessarily affect its short-term performance, it certainly makes for a more pleasant drive. A clean car also maintains its value better over time, meaning that each wash you give it will save you money in the long run. Resolving to Schedule Flui ... read more