Posted on 3/31/2023
The Road Ahead: A Look At The History of National Vehicle Maintenance Month National Vehicle Maintenance Month was created to recognize the importance of vehicle maintenance. Vehicle maintenance is essential to owning a car, truck, or recreational vehicle. Regular maintenance ensures that a vehicle runs smoothly, reduces the risk of breakdowns, and extends the vehicle's lifespan. In this article, we will look at the history of National Vehicle Maintenance Month and its evolution over time. The Origins of National Vehicle Maintenance Month National Vehicle Maintenance Month was first introduced in April 2005 by the Car Care Council, a nonprofit organization that aims to educate vehicle owners about the importance of regular maintenance. The initiative's goal was to raise awareness about the importance of vehicle maintenance and encourage vehicle owners to take steps to keep their vehicles in good condition. The Car Care Council partner ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2021

Image by Azmi Talib from Pixabay Angry driving and subsequent Road Rage are like a cold. It can pass from anyone to anyone and spread itself around, if unchecked. Within every driver on the road is a potential monster waiting to get out, if allowed. An evil, selfish Mr. Hyde waits in the deep of every kindly Dr. Jekyll for us to lapse in our good natures and set him free. Even for the best of us, the everyday injustice of people who take advantage of others in traffic can build and lead to anger and resentment. When people do selfish things, act irresponsibly, or jeopardize us, forgiving and staying calm can be challenging. And for some, swallowing these feelings ... read more